Strand Hotel Swakopmund Website
Our long standing client, O&L Leisure, asked us to execute a redesign of all their hotel websites. The websites had become old and clunky and were not receiving many online bookings. There was a feeling across the company that they needed to be freshened up and made to work responsively across their clienteles’ various devices, because as we all know by now mobile is taking over.
We decided to get started with the Strand Hotel Swakopmund. It would be the first of three major website overhauls aimed at: positioning the hotel as the ideal place to stay in Swakopmund; drive bookings via the live booking engines; showcase Strand Hotel’s 3 restaurants and allow users to make restaurant bookings.
Among its new features, the Strand Hotel Swakopmund includes the following:
- It is fully responsive across desktop, mobile and tablet.
- It has a fully integrated CMS that gives the website administrator full control over almost every aspect of the site. This same CMS will be used to manage the content of the other two websites, once they have been developed.
- A clear and uniform design template that will be rolled out across all of O&L’s websites to ensure brand consistency.
- Users are able to make restaurant and accommodation directly through the website’s live booking engine.
In just more than a month, the new site has received over 4300 unique visitors who spend, on average, 02:30 seconds visiting 3 pages each. 27.34% of the website traffic now comes from mobile devices which has helped to increase the hotel’s accessibility in mobile dominated African markets. Overall, the client is extremely happy which makes us happy. Another successful website build completed.